Hair Loss and How to Avoid it

Hair loss is quite a common issue for men, as well as women, especially after they hit menopause. However, there are quite a few things you can do in an attempt to avoid it.  This is what I have learned throughout my hair journey:

Why Does Hair Loss Happen?

Hair loss can be caused by a multitude of things. It can be a result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, stress, or just simply because of aging. No matter how it happens though, it can be a very scary process and there are many ways in which you can do to help reduce it and more importantly to make sure that your hair does grow back.

How to Avoid Hair Loss?

There are quite a few things you can do to help avoid hair loss. One key thing is avoiding chemicals! They can be harsh and harmful to your hair so avoiding them when possible is really important, especially if you’re already struggling with hair loss. This is why so many women have adopted embracing their beautiful grey locks, over constant coloring with harsh chemicals.

Also when it comes to caring for your hair it is important to start with the scalp, giving a healthy environment to your follicles so that they can thrive. I created the Follicle Hero care system to care both for the scalp and hair. The shampoo contains a gentle salicylic acid that makes sure the scalp and hair shafts are purified whilst the jojoba and aloe vera extracts are excellent for calming and balancing Ph levels, ensuring the optimal scalp microcirculation. Follicle Hero conditioner actually increases the hair strand protein content, repairing and strengthening damaged hair shafts whilst reducing hair loss.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Make sure that you are eating a balanced diet! I know you have probably heard this a million times, what I am telling you now isn’t new. But a diet rich in omega-3, protein, biotin, and essential vitamins is key in ensuring healthy hair. All of these things really contribute to the structure and strength of your hair follicles! Sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet is a good way of ensuring your body receives the correct nutrients it needs without causing the overproduction of cortisol, which in turn causes inflammation.

Supplements are also super important in ensuring hair health! Science has told us that the body needs keratin, together with certain vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy hair. W

The post Hair Loss and How to Avoid it appeared first on LivingBetter50.

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